Friday (finally) was Day #1 of transforming Landon's not so-nursery into a toddler room!!
After patiently waiting for the arrival of the bedding that was suppose to be delivered in 1-2 business days..... well 2 weeks and 4 days later, it was finally in!!!!So Friday afternoon Dane, Landon & I headed to pick up his very own big boy bed, then went to home depot to match the colors of paint exactly with the colors of the bedding. Now I say exactly so large because the entire point of bringing something into the store of the color you want, is so they match perfect.. right?!?!? Well the goth, tattooed freak (harsh, i know.) working behind the paint counter, along with the 4 nice ladies.. guess who I get to help me. Yep, the freak. So he takes the pillow case and I show him the exact colors I want. OK, no problem.. you do this everyday, how hard can it be?!?!Obviously hard. Because he is mixing away and pulled the green paint away before it was done. about half a gallon of yellow that was suppose to be in my container was on the floor, the machine and himself. My blood starts to boil. I am not the person that will send food back if my order comes out wrong, I won't complain about bad service, I just don't. I don't know why.. but I knew this was going to be another bite my tongue and walk away and cry once I got into the car.
Some how, Some way the paint looked pretty similar to the green that I had showed him on the pillow case. Whew! Fingers Crossed it looks good on the walls!!!
Friday Night I had dinner with the girls. I haven't had the chance to hang out with my police wife friends in SO LONG!! It was well over due. We could have sat at that table and talked for DAYS!!! We had so much to catch up on! But unfortunately I had to call it a night early because my hubby had to be into work at 11 for an overtime shift. But that's okay because I was sooo tired! I got home at 10, Dane left at 10:30, and I'm pretty sure I was sleeping by 10:35!!
Thanks for a great night Amy & Rachael & Meredith!
Saturday Bright and Early Dane was up and at it. Even though he didn't get off work until 4am. and not to bed until 5am I'm pretty sure there was a paint brush in his hand by 9am! I love him! :) Its so nice to know that he is just as excited about Landon's room as I am!!
this was after the 1st coat. Looking great so far!!!!

If you ask Landon what color this wall is. He says Lellow (yellow) if you tell him it's green.. he will argue with you and keep saying no, lellow. lellow. lellow. So, This wall is Lellow. lol
3 coats Later and it looks fantastic!! Great work hubby!!
Saturday Night Dane, Landon & I head out to dinner and to target. We needed something fast since a. Landon skipped out on a long nap that day b. it was kind of late already and c. because we were eager to get to target and get back home. So we decided steak and shake would be a good place. wrong. Landon was by far the worst he has ever been. anywhere. I was so embarrassed. I didn't eat, I got up and went to the car with him. He refused to sit in his high chair. he refused to eat. he only wanted to play with the knifes. Ugh, It was a bad experience. I really don't have any intentions on taking him out to dinner for awhile, unless it is mandatory. Anyways, So off to target we went. If I had enough diapers to get me through the winter storm they are calling for, I would have went straight home! Since Landon's room isn't ready for him to sleep in yet, and honestly I don't know how I feel about him being upstairs and we are down stairs..... scares me. and well, his toddler bed fit oh so nicely right next to my side of the bed! He was SOOOO excited when we put his bedding on. He just loves the theme. He jumped right on and and gave him a hug and a kiss! it was so stinking cute! The railings only cover about half of the sides of the bed.. well if you have ever seen my kid sleep, you know he is a crazy mover!!! I'm pretty sure I was awake every 15 minutes looking over at him making sure he was OK. Around 2 am I hear a THUD. I jump up, my heart literally jumped out of my chest. I look over and he was sleeping on the floor. He fell right off the bed, and it didn't even wake him up. How does that happen? lol So I get up, pick him off the floor and put him back in his bed. And back to sleep he went! Around 6:20 he was awake. I knew there was no chance Dane was getting up that early, So I knew if I wanted more sleep I would have to give and put him in bed with us. So my snuggle bug was back in bed with us! and by snuggle bug I mean, feet and butt in my face. literally!
Sunday Dane and I decided to take Landon to the baby/kid expo they have at the fairgrounds once or twice a year. I have never been, So I honestly had NO idea what to expect. Landon fell asleep on the way there so he had a small, much needed nap!!! When we got there, it didn't look like there was much to do, and Landon was very clingy. About 10 minutes later he was a wild man! He was so excited, running everywhere! Playing basketball, soccer, bowling, jumping in the different bounce houses, coloring, he even got his face painted!!!!!!! My last impression was the total opposite from my first impression! Landon had a lot of fun, and we will be at every kid expo from here on out!

Sunday Night we ordered chinese and it was back to the painting! Dane slaved away on the blue walls while Landon and I napped, then played with the paint! :)
Shhh.. This is a secret inside Landon's closet!! :)
Well that pretty much wraps up my eventful weekend. I will have more pictures of Landon's room as it is coming along!!!!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!
PS. I just want to say CONGRATULATIONS to my wonderful husband who is now a Deputy for Monroe County Sheriff's Department!!!!!!!! I am SO proud of him!!!! :)