Hello Blog!
I have completely abandoned you. I have started probably 7 posts in the past 2 weeks and I haven't' had the time to finish any of them. SORRY
Let me catch you back up.
Layla turned 6 weeks old.

and she now weighs 9 pounds 5 ounces! She got 4 shots, 3 in the legs and 1 oral shot and she didn't cry AT ALL. Not even a little squeal to let us know that it hurt maybe just a little. NOTHING. Man, she is a tough little girl!
I went back to work on Wednesday. And did I choose a good time to come back. With the World Series in town, we were incredibly BUSY. Which made the time go by so fast and kept my mind off how much I missed my babies! Landon did SOOO good being dropped off. Didn't cry
or whine at all! Ever since he became a big brother, I think he aged 5 years! Crazy!!!
Friday I went to Reba with my bff Cassie, her sister Lacie & her bff Lisa! We had a great time!!! Singing and dancing the entire time. Next time we are definitely going to have to bedazzle everything we wear. Apparently that's the cool thing to do!!
Then we headed downtown to go celebrate the cards victory.

Way too many people and not enough beer. Waited 20 minutes in line for a beer at Paddy O's for them to say we're out of beer when were 3 people away, so we sat there for another 15 minutes until they restocked their

Way too many people and not enough beer. Waited 20 minutes in line for a beer at Paddy O's for them to say we're out of beer when were 3 people away, so we sat there for another 15 minutes until they restocked their
coolers. Get with it people, it's not like the crowd was a surprise!
Saturday my mom & I took the kids to the apple butter festival in Kimmswick. It was WAY crowded than last year. I didn't get to look at anything because people are rude to people with strollers. and there were so many old ladies pushing dog strollers.

SERIOUSLY, i know you love your dog. but when you know there are going to be 10,000 people at a festival, leave the little rats at home. I even seen 1 lady pushing a single stroller and pulling a double stroller. ALL FOR DOGS. ahhh! makes me want to scream. lol Next year the kids are definitely staying home with daddy!!
Sunday was my nephew Jasons 11th birthday party at Incredible Pizza. Layla hung out with grandma Debbie

while we let Landon run and play. Until Landon got extremely whines and didn't want anything to do with the place. I picked him up and realized he had a fever. So here we are on Halloween and my Handy Manny has a fever and runny nose :( As of this morning he said he didn't want to go trick or treating and he didn't want any candy (that's how you really know he is sick!) So we will see how he is feeling once he wakes up from his nap to see if we will be going out this evening!

thank you pinterest for the ideas! :)
Hope everyone has a safe & Happy Halloween!!!