Alright. Promise I will do more posts than weekend wrap ups. During the week my life is pretty freaking boring though.
Anyways, I'm linking up with this pretty lady!
Thursday was this little lady's birthday!!!!!
My little princess turned 1!!!
be still my heart. time goes by way too fast.
and look how much Landon has thinned out in the past year. crazy! he was so chunky! :)
We spent the afternoon at Chuck e Cheese.
Lay looked at him like 'W.T.F ARE YOU"
Seriously hilarious.
Lay loved all the games. there wasn't one she wouldn't do!

and of course we spent like 15 tokens in the photo booth
after a long nap, both kids were wired and ready to party again at home.
Layla was so excited, she even took her first 2 steps to me.
but she hasn't taken any since. we will get there, Lay! ;)
Friday was the LB and Jason Aldean concert.
I'm pretty sure me and my 2 sister's pregame was just as much fun as the concert.
And of course I had to get a pic with M&R!! :)
Oh, and of course Jason.
I was a little distracted during the Luke show. I ended up getting only 2 pics of him, and neither of them turned out. ahhh. Oh well.
Saturday me and the babies shopped til we dropped. Literally. At the end of our shopping trip Landon couldn't even walk.
I bet next time he wont tell me no when I ask him if he wants to bring the double stroller.
We spent the night eating cereal, watching sprout, and cuddling. PERFECT night with my littles!
Sunday we headed to this little cuties 1st birthday party.
I don't know why it's showing so big, but that's OK. shes cute enough to take up the entire page! ;)
Happy Happy Birthday V! So glad we were able to share your big day with you!!!!
Hope everyone has a great week. Promise to get better at this blogging thing!