Sunday, August 29, 2010

are we done yet???

UGH PACKING SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And its even harder with a 14 month old unpacking everything that I just packed.
This morning daddy had to go work a overtime detail so I decided to start on the kitchen and see what I can get done. I got 6 boxes from work, so I went to town. started on the junk drawer(s).
Most people have more than one of these right?!?!!? Well we have 3! Why the heck do we keep this junk??? what were we thinking?!? Never again, that's for sure!!!
Anyways. so everything I decided to keep I put in the box. Well Landon took it out of the box, and put it in the trash. And everything I put into the trash, Landon took out and put it in the box. So I'm sure some things i wanted to keep are in the trash, and some trash are packed away in the boxes to add to a new junk drawer in the new house!
4 years ago when we moved into this house, we had maybe 3 kitchen cabinets filled. Now every single cabinet was SO jammed packed! stressful!
So after 1 day, literally spending 90% of the day in the kitchen, almost everything is packed away & ready to go! This moving stuff is going to take a lot longer than I had anticipated!!!
BUT we are getting there! One box at a time!!!


  1. Packing DOES suck. I've done enough of it to last a lifetime in the past two years. Good luck with everything!!

  2. thanks, we need it!! lol i never realized how much we had until it was time to box it up, and try and put it on a vehicle!
    i will continue to boo hoo until its done...can't wait for that day! :)
