Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Layla's room!

Sneak peek of Layla's not yet finished room! :)

Adorable crib!!!
dresser & my favorite, her blocks!
a view looking in!My first attempt at making a bow holder!
love her lamp!

I don't have very good pictures of the room, so if you're still curious what everything looks like, just stop on by anytime & check it out!!! :)


  1. You have no idea how bad I have been wanting to see her room!! It turned out great and is perfect for a little princess!!

  2. Great job! I'm sure she will love it:)

  3. haha. I've been meaning to post pictures for a few weeks now, Just kept forgetting my camera at home. It stinks not having a computer at home!!!

    Thanks girls. It's definitely shocking when you first walk in the room because it is SO pink!
    I really want to get like a glass chandler light to hang! lol maybe a little over the top, but o well! :)

  4. I LOVE glass chandeliers for a little girls room...not over the top at all. :) It's super cute, Kim! Why didn't we get a tutorial on that adorable bow holder?? Haha. Great job! Welcome to the world of all things PINK!

  5. Haha bow holder = super cheap & easy!!!
    Great idea for a blog post tomorrow!! ;)

  6. Baha thanks for spelling chandeliers right adrien, I swear spell check corrected whatever I had said first and changed it to Chandler lol

  7. Amelia has the same lamp!!! It is just so cute! Love her room!

  8. the room looks great!!!!! i love the bow holder and i think a chandler would look great!!!!!

  9. Ahhhh, I can't wait to have a PINK room one day....

    LOVE it!!!!! :)

  10. Her room is so cute!! From what I can see of the bedding it looks like you made a good choice! Very cute.
