Thursday, August 30, 2012

Good in Goodbye

First thing first.
Happy 1st Birthday to my future son-in-law, Henry George!
Oh, those baby blues. melt my heart every single time!
Can't wait to party with you on Sunday!!
I've had a lot of questions asked about my diet. I have managed to keep off 6 of the 7 pounds.
Even after eating a quarter pounder one day this week.
But my boss is treating me to Crown Candy today and I'm flying to Lambert's tonight for dinner.
Yes, I said flying. I love my job.
but we'll see how the scale looks tomorrow.
Last night we had Lay's 1 year pictures at Creative Bent. Of course they are going to be amazing. Anna is FAB!
sorry again for the crappy iphone picture. it's still ADORABLE.
She tore into her cake. Unlike her brother who refused to even TOUCH IT!!!!
She probably would have sat there all night and ate the entire cake. she polished off about half of it.and whatever was left on her hands, she rubbed in like lotion. Oh Lay.
And she had a SUGAR RUSH. The girl who normally doesn't make it past 9pm was still up going strong after 11pm!!
Cannot believe she will be 1 in 2 weeks!!! ahhh!!!
Why didn't anyone warn me that sibling fights started so early?
I cannot wait until Lay is walking. Landon had better watch it. She can hold her own just fine!!!
Have you ever had one of those days where NOTHING goes right? Well that was my day yesterday. And on the way home from work, a song came on and i had a good cry. a cry I've needed for so long. Then i wondered if someone had drove by me and was like "WTF, that chick is singing and crying".
yep, I was that girl.
have a listen, maybe it's just what you need!!! ;)

No video, just listen and stare at her legs the entire time.
thats what I did. Bahaha!
Happy Thursday Everyone!


  1. awww thanks MIL!! love Heni! lol.

    and i love you!! your too pretty to cry. love love love you!!

  2. Trying to psych myself for the "3-day diet". I need to lose these last 5 pounds.... 10 would be even better :)) I'll let you know how it goes!

    Cassie and you have some adorable babies. I can't believe it was just a year ago we all had babies on the way. Time goes by so fast. Happy Birthday Henry!!! He sure is handsome :)

    Love Carrie Underwood (and her fab legs) and I agree with Cassie... no crying pretty girl. You have so many blessings. XOXO
