Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Oh hey! 
Remember that day I said I would start blogging, and actually stick with it? Yea, those days are long long gone.  
Sorry Cassie, Nikki, Erin, Kristen and whoever else were true followers. lol

I swear I am busy 24 freaking 7!
3 jobs (more on this new job in a minute!)
plus mommy and a wife. it's exhausting..but let me tell you. I LOVE every minute of this crazy hectic life I live.

So lets catch up. My last post I was off to Cancun. 

Don't worry. I made it back alive. Barely
I had a near death experience one day. Way too much alcohol and I ended up puking the entire time we were parasailing. I make Dane so proud.
All in all, it was an amazing vaca! & my big sisser got ENGAGED!!!

my sweet boy turned 4!!!

I got to see the most gorgeous man again. 

I went blonde-ish.

Bought a boat

big news
I opened this sweet baby..
It's all done online through facebook (currently)
my website, logo, tags, business cards, ERRTHING is in the works!
I am so so sosososososososoososos excited about this!
I eat, breathe and sleep STS.
It's been a HAAUUGEEE dream of mine for while. and after many many talks with my BFF about it, she got me even more excited about it and lit the fire under my ass that needed to be lit a long time ago and I launched about a month and a half ago!
Almost 500 orders later, I am LOVING every second of it!!!!!!
Thank you Thank You THANK YOU 
for all of the love and support from all of my family and friends and new friends through STS!!!!

In other news

the countdown is on. If anyone wants to join Nikki, Cassie, Erin and I..Let me know!
I can't even handle my excitement!!!!!

The countdown is on!

There you have it. I blogged!! Please everyone send me reminders. I really love blogging. I'm just forgetful. hehe


  1. I CANNOT believe I just read a new post here!! WHAT?!!! And thanks for picking the most flattering pic of me!! Just glad it wasn't the one I texted you last week!! LMAO!!


  2. OMG I can't wait to see the STS Shop "in action"! ONE MONTH! So excited!! It would make me reallllllly truly happy if you could tell Dane to get a spray tan before I come???? :)

  3. I love your blog.

  4. Yeah for blogging again! Looks like you have a lot to look forward to!

    Welcome back!

  5. Yeah for blogging again! Looks like you have a lot to look forward to!

    Welcome back!

  6. Congrats on your boutique!
    Your little boy is too cute!
    Cancun is beautiful!
