Well today I can finally tell EVERYONE.
We are expecting baby #2!!!!!!
We had our first doctors appointment today.
I am 7 weeks, 5 days.
Due September 28th!!
Baby appears to be healthy, with a strong heartbeat of 161!
(I just know its a boy again! Landon was at 165 the entire time...but who knows!)
I have a very large cyst on my right ovary, but the doctor doesn't seem to be too worried about it because it is a empty cyst.. ?whatever that means?
We have to keep a close eye on it to make sure it doesn't grow. But as of now, it has no effect what so ever on baby! :)
PS. Landon is SOOO excited to be a big brother!!!! hehe

Happy Valentines Day Everyone!!!! >
Yes I do have an idea how hard it is to keep a secret for a month!! I have been so proud of myself!!! YAY!!! I love your growing little and I can't wait to meet him or her. And if it's a boy again, who cares, you make the cutest little boys ever!!
Such great news, Congrats!!!
Hooray! What a great day to share the news!
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