A picture of your biggest insecurity
Although it doesn't matter right now.. my biggest insecurity is definitely my belly fat!Thursday, March 31, 2011
Day 18
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Day 17
A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
1. I think I need a new ultrasound picture. I've posted this one like 4 times now. O well. Definitely baby Luke #2.
98 days down, 182 to go!
2. Our new house! Finally being out of Cahokia feels AHHHHHHMAZING! I can't sit and diss the city because it still does pay our bills.. but I can say that it just wasn't for us!!!!! Moving a Red Bud girl to Cahokia for 5 years, not a good idea!!! I absolutely love living in Waterloo!!!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Day 16
Monday, March 28, 2011
Day 15
A picture of something you want to do before you die
3. Grow a garden.
I've tried, and I failed. I would absolutely love to have fresh veggies right in my back yard!! Hey, maybe that's my dream job! ha!!
4. Go on a hot air balloon ride.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Confession Friday
*I confess that Landon and I had breakfast in bed today. He got out of bed & got his woody and crawled back into my bed. So I turned on Toy Story and brought in a box of Lucky Charms. That was 1 hour and 20 minutes ago... Landon is still sitting in bed eating cereal and watching TV. :)
*I confess that Landon will not say Thank you to save his life. Its always "your welcome". Goof!
*I confess that I am having fish tonight for the first time in years, and I am SUPER EXCITED!!!!!!
*I confess I look 6 months pregnant, and I'm only 3 months.
*I confess that I love my FREE glasses. and today they are having the same promo going on if anyone needs glasses!!!!
*I confess that no matter how hard you try, Some people will never change..and you drift apart for a reason!
*I confess that my child is no longer watching TV and is destroying the house!!!
Day 14
My Hunka Hunka Burning Love! haha
and of course,
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Day 13
This was definitely a tie.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Day 12
188 days til my due date!!! I. Can. Do. This.

well whose make my top 3 today.. the list goes on and on...
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Day 11

That my friends is REFRIED BEANS.
Not only do I hate the taste of them, I hate the smell, the texture, the looks, EVERYTHING. And I hate when people I am eating with eat them. I can't watch or I will have to get up and leave the table. Freaks me out! I can't put anything into my mouth that looks like that! YUCK! I am a double rice girl, and if they screw up and put refried beans on my plate, you better believe I pull the "I'm allergic, that's why I ordered it without" card. And I get a fresh new meal with NO refried beans that ever touched my plate!!!
So remember this for next time you eat Mexican with me... double the rice, please. :)
Monday, March 21, 2011
Day 10
Honestly, I can hardly think right now because I'm still laughing so hard from Cassie's post. Mr. Ringering, If you ever read my blog, I am truly sorry for calling your glasses goggles in 8th grade. LOL

We have so many great memories!!!

Cass- Thanks for being someone I can count on every.single.day of my life! I honestly don't know what I would do without you!

Friday, March 18, 2011
Day 9
easy peasy!
This woman is my backbone! We may not see eye to eye all the time, but what mother/daughter does??
We have had a battles, and she will forever be the one person I can count on for ANYTHING.
I think the reason I have a son is because GOD knew I couldn't handle someone like me. Hard to admit, lol But i don't know how my mom did it.
I remember some of our arguments when I was in High School, they would end in me running to my room as fast as I could...and a shoe goes flying past my head. I remember thinking to myself
"did she really just take off her shoes and throw them at me??" hahaha
She is the strongest woman I know, and I
Confession Friday

I confess that Landon isn't potty trained, but I love him running around in big boy undies. Cutest thing ever!!!
I confess we have a wedding reception to go to tomorrow, and my lovely dress shows off how pasty white my legs are. not happy about it!! I wanted to go spray tan, but trying to keep Landon calm for 30 minutes isn't likely. Maybe I'll go mystic once daddy gets off work...
I confess that I already have my double stroller and I LOVE IT. well, I haven't used it yet, but I already love it! I hope Landon likes being out of that baby seat in the front, and will love sitting like a big boy in the back.. high hopes.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Day 8

Little Landon at 8 months old saying "who the hell are these people"
I crack up every time I look at this picture!!! And it is just so crazy how much he has changed in just a short period of time!!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
bump update

Total Weight Gain/Loss: -1.5 lbs. but don't ask me how. within the 24 hours of being weighed in I scarfed down 5 pieces of Papa John's pizza. baha!
Maternity Clothes: pants, yes please. shirts, I'm still OK
Gender: NO idea?!?!?! (I'm thinking BOY)
Movement: Nothing yet.
Sleep: Is getting better, I don't have to pee as often.
What I miss: Ibuprofen!!
Cravings: any cherry flavored soda and pears.
Symptoms: Nothing. Feeling pretty normal
Best Moment this week: hearing the baby on my Doppler at home for the first time, and of course getting my ultrasound! :) My cyst has gone down to about 1/4 of the size it was. Doctor and US tech were both soooo happy!! Whew, what a relief!!!
Baby says Hello Blogger Friends!!! And already sitting so proper with it's legs crossed. :)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Did you miss me??
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Day 6

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Day 5

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Day 4

And let me tell you, along with a headache I am very annoyed by everything and very short tempered. Some nights I just want to get in my car and drive. no radio, no talking. just a little piece and quiet. But then I start to feel guilty because I know Landon is only having fun and Dane is trying to entertain him by yelling at the top of his lungs and no matter how many times I say to please quiet down that my head hurts, he doesn't. (venting..)
Anyways, besides the headache.. my night was pretty relaxing. We ate dinner and watched TV. Landon and I cuddled in bed and he fell asleep and daddy left and went for a run.
Its moments like this that I love the most. I don't care how big he gets, He better snuggle with his momma forever!!!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed where one day I can leave the house, just me, enjoy 8 hours to myself. Then come home for 2 hours and then leave again for another hour.
Dream on Momma.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Day 3
1. The Real Housewives of Orange County

2. The Vampire Diaries

Friday, March 4, 2011
Confession Friday
I confess that when Adrien called her girls "lucky charms" on Tuesday... I went out and bought a box of lucky charms and I've been eating it all week!
I confess that Landon is the absolute WORST kid when we are out to dinner. I don't even know why we try anymore. I couldn't tell you the last time I ate a hot meal at a restaurant when he was along. We left Lotawata Creek last night around 7:30. and I finally got to enjoy my meal at 9 o'clock. once we were home. and it was reheated. :
I confess that people annoy me 10x worse now that I'm pregnant. I've almost told about 10 people to shut up on their facebook. I am so sick of negative people.
OK, harsh. and a lot of people probably don't care what I post either.. but YOUR ANNOYING ME. :)
I confess that I get up to pee at least 3 times in the middle of the night. I don't remember waking up this much when Landon was 7lbs and laying on my bladder.
I confess that I want to chop all of my hair off!!!
I confess that I really really really want to go to Mardi Gras tomorrow. Guess there is always next year.
I confess that my living room is probably destroyed right now because Landon has been running wild during my last 2 post! :)
Day 2

Thursday, March 3, 2011
Day 1
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
weekly update
How Far Along: 10 weeks!! 1/4 of the way! Woohoo!!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: What I fear. But I won’t know this until next appointment. (March 15)
Maternity Clothes: Are expensive. Ha! My pants are hurting. Half the time I’m wearing long shirts so I can have my pants undone.
Gender: NO idea!
Movement: Nothing yet. I can’t wait!!!
Sleep: Is OK. I'm very tired mid-afternoon, but can’t fall asleep at night. And I get up at least once a night to go to the bathroom. I don’t remember EVER getting up for the bathroom with Landon!.
What I miss: girls nights out. Yes, I can still have these..but they are not the same. Lol and tattoos. I don’t know why, but I'm in the mood to get a tattoo. Could be because I know I can’t? Who knows!
Cravings: Fried pickles from Hooters, any cherry flavored soda and pears!
Symptoms: Nothing really. I still get a little nauseous after some meals, but for the most part I don’t have any, yet.
Best Moment this week: Getting through week 9 was a big week for us. I miscarried Landon's twin sometime during my 9th week, So I felt anxiety all week!