I confess that our parade & zoo trip didn't turn out like it was suppose to. We ended up in traffic for over 2 hours, and ended up at the park in Columbia! Next week kids, we promise you will see animals!!!
I confess that I ate more for dinner last night than I have in a week! porterhouse, baked potato, corn on the cob, shells & cheese, caesar salad & french bread!! and it was delish!!
I confess that Landon slept in today for the first time in ages. well, 9am! And then I turn around to put his breakfast on the table, and this is what I find...

I confess that Landon isn't potty trained, but I love him running around in big boy undies. Cutest thing ever!!!
I confess that I love my fetal doppler...
I mean, if you could listen to this everyday wouldn't you love it too?!!? :))
I confess we have a wedding reception to go to tomorrow, and my lovely dress shows off how pasty white my legs are. not happy about it!! I wanted to go spray tan, but trying to keep Landon calm for 30 minutes isn't likely. Maybe I'll go mystic once daddy gets off work...
I confess that I already have my double stroller and I LOVE IT. well, I haven't used it yet, but I already love it! I hope Landon likes being out of that baby seat in the front, and will love sitting like a big boy in the back.. high hopes.
Awww, I love his big boy undies! When I saw that picture I said, omg, big boy undies! lol. YAY!
I confess that I'm blogging on my phone @ target while keegan looks @ the toys!
zCXSAqAZ z <-- What Grace's foot confesses.
I confess that I'm totally jealous of your dinner! We had a trusty crock pot meal, which is good, but starting to get old. I cannot wait until BBQ season!
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