I can't believe it's already MONDAY! This weekend seemed to fly by for some reason!!
Friday I had one of the most hormones days yet. I hate not being able to control my emotions.. it scares me! So anyways... Friday my sister Brandi asked me to go to a few yard sales with her, So we loaded up in the van and headed off. we didn't have any luck and actually only got out at 2 sales. we pretty much just had a sister day of driving and talking. it was fun! Until we got to one Lady's house. My sister was up looking at things in the garage and I was in the drive way with Landon & my nephew Jayden who is 2. They were just playing with a baby doll stroller and a ride on push car....and all of a sudden the owner of the house comes out and yells at the boys saying those toys aren't to be played with. OK lady, they are 1 and 2. do you honestly think they understood you?!! Don't you think it would have been more appropriate to come to ME and tell me this, instead of raising your voice and my kid! UGH, I was so mad. I picked Landon up and we walked to the car and my sister got Jayden and we left. We exchanged a few words when we left, of course lol I've never had another person, especially a stranger YELL at my kid! She really hit a nerve somewhere inside this prego! lol That night my BFF came to my rescue and met me at tequilas for dinner. no babies, just me & Cass! It was sooo nice to enjoy a meal and our virgin drinks! :)
Saturday morning Dane & I took Landon to have breakfast with the Easter Bunny.. Let me tell you, My kid is not a fan of the Easter Bunny this year!!
Last Year...

This Year...
Looks like I will not be paying to get his pictures taken with EB this year... lol But he did end up having a great time at the breakfast..
He got to make a visor... and get his face painted..
and decorate an egg...
And even finger paint!!
Saturday night we went along with my sister & her family to Incredible Pizza. And let me tell you, It was INCREDIBLY BUSY!! I think it was near their MAX of people that are allowed inside. It was way too busy! So we played for about 20 minutes and left. Made a shopping trip to target & headed home! Landon decided to stay up til almost 11 watching a movie with mom & dad!
Sunday I woke up feeling great!!! My niece Madison came over so I could curl her hair up all pretty for her First Communion. 
Isn't she beautiful!??!! :)
Sunday afternoon I went to a bridal shower, then headed home & planted some flowers and laid down new mulch! Finally, our house has some color!!! Then the hubby & I bbq'd as we usually do on Sundays and relaxed the rest of the evening! I actually made it through an entire day without crying! haha 1st NON hormonal day in a long time!!!! Hope it lasts!!!
It was a great weekend, it just flew by!!!!
it's a girl for sure. lol.
you should have told me about breakfast with the easter bunny, that would have been so much fun!!
It was at my nephews school in Millstadt.. It started at 9 and we decided to go at 9:15 lol
Sorry :(
This Satruday Swic is having pretty much the same thing if you want to go?!?
And they are also having a plant sale. which I am super excited about! lol
I HATE confrontation, but if someone I didn't know yelled at my kid I don't think I would be able to keep my mouth shut. That's when mama lion comes out roaring, haha.
The rest of your weekend sounds splendid. :) You did a great job on your niece's hair!!
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