This is his "seriously, Don't touch my CAT" look!
After Wal-Mart we headed back to the police department to get Daddy and we headed to the mall. Our mission was to get me a new pair of tennis shoes! After walking that 5k a few weekends back, I knew my tennis shoes were donzo! My toes went numb during the walk and my feet hurt for 3 days afterwards! It was time for something new! On our way to the mall, Landon started complaining about his feet hurting him. HAHA Smart kid! Talk about perfect timing, that means Landon gets new shoes, too!!!

yep, Mommy & Landon got matching zigs! and let me tell you, they are probably the most comfortable shoes I've EVER had!!!!!!!!! AND they were BOTH on sale, AND my cousin's step-son was working so we got an additional 20% off! SCORE! Thanks Daddy!!!!
Saturday night it was back to work for Monroe County for Daddy around 5! (he was working the Maeystown Picnic) And thats where Landon and I headed too! We went to see the parade which Landon wanted absolutely nothing to do with except for the firetrucks (that woke him up) and the tractors. He could have cared less about the candy, Popsicles, and whatever else they were throwing out! Oh, and the horses and he still calls dogs no matter how many times we correct him lol Then we headed to the picnic. Well, What they call a picnic at least. No rides, only bounce houses that Landon hates. I'm thinking the bounce house for his birthday party is a bad idea..... or maybe he will play in it if it's in his own backyard. IDK. But he loved playing the games. But the toys were hand-me down donations. like teeny beeny babies from McDonald's from 10 years ago, no thanks. He can play, but keep your prizes, please. Around 7:30 we headed home for dinner and movies! We were both sleeping around 9! It was great!! Daddy got home and in bed shortly before 2am, and was back up at 5am and headed into Cahokia for a days work! (All together now... Poor Dane!!!!) I felt so bad for him, he was exhausted!! After putting in about 8 hours of work- he was finally coming home! Hooray!!! And brought our favorite home, Arbys!Landon's excitement for arbys just wore him out......................
the 3 of us were sitting at the table having lunch and talking- and next thing you know, Landon says "Mommy, Night Night" lays his head down- and was OUT. I let him sit there for about 2 minutes because I was trying to catch my breath from laughing so hard. I pick him up and his face is stuck to the paper. HILARIOUS. He then slept for 3 hours! Baby boy was WORE OUT! Shortly after he woke up, we got a call from Paw Paw Craig & Deb (Dane's dad & New Step Mom) that they were about minutes away and would be over shortly! We headed to Columbia for dinner at tequilas and then to their hotel for a little swimming! Landon LOVED the water. He was brave enough to actually jump in unattended to and went straight tot he bottom. yep, gave mommy a heart attack!!!! but when he came up, he coughed twice and started laughing. didn't even faze him!! Ahhh, boys are crazy!!!! so you better believe first thing Monday morning we headed to Wal-Mart and bought his first life vest. No way my kid will go near another pool without one on! My sister Brandi & Her boys came over to BBQ! It was such a nice day!! the kiddy pool was full, we got a sprinkler the wind was blowing like crazy so it was a perfect day to fly kites! Perfect Weather and I even got a little sun.. well, maybe too much sun.. but it will be a tan in a few days!!! Monday evening I went to see Bridesmaids with Cassie & Kacie. OMGEE! A must see. It was hilarious!!! Definitely will be buying that movie once its out!!!
Although I didn't get to spend a lot of time with my hubby, Landon and I made the best of it! Landon and I don't say it nearly enough how much we appreciate all that Dane does for us. He works 2 jobs and picks up as much OT as he can to make sure we have everything we want or need! He truly is the best husband and daddy to us!!!!