Total Weight Gain/Loss: +2 lbs
Maternity Clothes: yep, still expensive, most are ugly, but I need them!
Gender: Hopefully still a girl :) Layla Ann
Movement: She is very active, but not as violent as Landon was.. maybe that's a good sign ;)
Sleep: I am getting about 8 hours a night again, Hooray!!!!
What I miss: TANNING!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to fake bake again!!!!
Cravings: I ate ice cream last night, which I NEVER eat.. so I guess that?? Otherwise, nothing!
Symptoms: Just movement. I don't feel pregnant at all!!
Best Moment this week: So far everything about this pregnancy has been great! I feel awesome, doctor says baby is growing perfect & has a strong heart rate, my weight is actually under control (so far) and I love feeling her move around! Other than the occasional mood swings, I'd have to say pregnancy really makes me a happier person!!
Best Moment this week: So far everything about this pregnancy has been great! I feel awesome, doctor says baby is growing perfect & has a strong heart rate, my weight is actually under control (so far) and I love feeling her move around! Other than the occasional mood swings, I'd have to say pregnancy really makes me a happier person!!
While doing this update, I accidentally pushed a button on the computer, and found out I had a web cam... so I thought I'd take a belly shot. And well, This is what I consider to be my "skinny picture" because I feel bigger than I look here. but there ya go.. for my blogger friends only :) Even a glimpse of a oh so lovely stretch mark smack dab in the front of my stomach from the lovely Landon lol

Still loving the name! Ann is my middle name, hehe, so I'm a little partial.
Isn't it so great to have an easy pregnancy? I didn't have any symptoms with Grace and it was wonderful! Gives a possible third child hope for existence. :)
Oh no, I am definitely done after this one!! haha
Dane wants 4. But there is NO WAY. We don't have a big enough car, house and I don't have enough sanity to have 4 kids! LOL
Thank you! I love the name too!! It has been my girl name since I could name my baby dolls! :)Ann is also my middle name. Anne is Dane's sisters middle name too.. It's just spelled a little differently, Hope she doesn't mind! lol
Such cute pictures going around blog land this morning. Glad everything is still going great!
Awwww.... I love your baby Layla bump, sooo sweet!!! I've been in Nashville, TN for work the past 4 days so I'm a little behind on all the latest and greatest. I'm so happy you're doing great. I'd have to agree with you on the easy pregnancy. Everyone finds it so hard to believe it's been so easy. The past couple of weeks have been really exciting with tons of movement. I tell Scott that his precious baby girl is trying to kick box my uterus, lol. She is all over the place certain times of the day. I just giggle and smile :))
P.S. Thank you so much for the birthday wish!! We had such a great day. Love you girl :)
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