Hello Everyone! Let me catch you back up on my life a little bit!
The weekend just flew by! We spent the entire weekend at my in-laws house up north because Dane's step sister, Ashlee got married!
Friday when we arrived we met the family for dinner at the Possum Trot, trust me-It was SOOOO much better than it sounds! The food was awesome!! We headed back to my MIL's house after dinner and crashed! The drive wore all of us out! So the THREE of us squeezed into a full size bed. Let me tell you, being 6 months pregnant and sharing a little bed with two people who don't share, SUCKS!!
Saturday morning Dane, Landon & I headed to the little town of Milford to have breakfast at the Milford Family Restaurant. It's kind of like Country Kitchen, just not half as good!
lol After breakfast we walked down the street to see Paw Paw (Dane's dad, Craig. His office is about 5 doors down) And visited with him for a little bit! Then we headed to Craig's house to look at all the amazing upgrades he has done to his house since Christmas! I couldn't believe all the work they have put into it just in 6 months! It looked amazing!!!! Landon had fun playing with the outside toys, and we had one hell of a time getting him off this:

When it was time to go, he was sooo mad at us for taking him out of the truck! He didn't talk to us for about 20 minutes, and every time we talked or looked at him, we just got a nasty glare. it was hilarious! MAYBE he will get one for his birthday..or Christmas! :)
Saturday afternoon/evening was the wedding & reception! They had a short and sweet outside ceremony next to a lake off the golf course. It was beautiful! Ashlee looked absolutely STUNNING!!!! The reception was at the Golf Course Country Club. They had a huge tent sat up outside, and everything was perfect! Ashley put a lot of time & effort into it! Every detail was perfect! It almost made me want to redo our wedding over, BUT then I seen how stressed out she was, and I decided Nah! mine was perfect too! Even with the cracked out DJ! lol
Sunday we had lunch with the Luke's! Dane's Aunt Kari & Uncle Brian, Cousin Elizabeth, Grandma Marge, Dad Craig & Newly Step-Mom Deb all met us at Monicals (which is like a Imo's to them) for lunch. Brian, Kari & Elizabeth brought Landon a birthday present and of course he was too shy to open it at first, but once he seen what was inside it, he was tearing through the tissue paper throwing it at poor Grandma Marge! This is what was inside:
Along with a super cute outfit!! But back to Chuck! Have you ever seen this toy in stores?? Well I have many times, and never really payed attention to it. But lately Landon is into trucks, tractors, etc. and this truck is AWESOME!!!! he sings, dances, does wheelies! it is AWESOME!!! If you have a little boy, or buying for a little boy or heck, even a little girl who likes trucks! Buy this! You won't be sorry!!!!! Landon absolutely LOVES it!!!!
After lunch we headed home. Landon slept the entire ride home! He woke up when we were passing Sunset in Waterloo! We couldn't believe it! 4 hour nap! woooooooohooooooooo! It was a huge step up from the drive there, which he cried TO GET OUT, the ENTIRE way!!!!!!!!!!!! AHH that was a fun ride :)
Well you're basically caught back up on my life. Today is my last day of having a ONE year old. Makes me want to cry! But I am so thankful for my healthy strong growing stinker butt :)
OH and something else that's exciting. I've had 6 people come to me about invitations now! I have one reviewing the changes to her 2 favorite wedding invitations, and another contacted me this morning about doing her wedding invitations! Very excited!!! :)
Yay for invitation business! I spent my entire pregnancy in a full sized bed with three people...yikes! I cannot wait until we're debt free so I can buy some NEW FURNITURE.
We have Chuck at our house for Andy's nephew that is over all the time. He still loves playing with Chuck and has had him for almost 2 years. Good buy!!
Im also interested in you possibly doing some invites for me. Is it easier to contact you to get more information on FB or email? Cassie forwarded me some of the samples you gave her for her invites. Sooo freakin cute!!
Are you serious Adrien?? I don't know how you do it!!!! I am SOOOOO thankful for our king size bed!! I don't know what we ever did without it!!! lol
I'd love to Katie!!! You can contact me though facebook, or i set up a email account for people that don't know me. its invitations@live.com
Let me know what your interested in. I can have a couple samples for you to view within 24-48 hours
We have two Chucks that like to go off in the middle of the night!!!
Adrien..I feel your pain!! I have to share a queen with a 300 pound bed hog alisdufwoijf;asiojf!!
Send me some samples, I need to see these infamous invitations :)
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