How Far Along: 30 weeks!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +2.5 from last month. +10.5 total
Maternity Clothes: Yes, please!
Gender: hopefully still a GIRL!
Movement: She's an active little booger! :)
Sleep: avg 7 hours. can't complain!!!
What I miss: laying on my stomach!!
Cravings: Nothing in particular.. just hungry all the time!
Symptoms: charlie horses galore!!!!
Best Moment this week: We made it to the home stretch!!! 30 weeks down, 10 to go!!!
Look at her go!
Your weight gain is wonderful! I had easily put on 25 pound by 30 weeks - about 40-45 pounds total by the end. Hehe.
Thanks! :)
I've tried really hard to watch everything that goes into my mouth this pregnancy! and trust me, it hasn't been easy and I slip up every now and then! lol
By this time with Landon I was up 40+ already & gained 60 at the end! Yikes!!! Lol
I think running after a WILD 2 year old helps a lot!!!!
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