First off I'd like to give the middle finger to all you brats who clicked whoa on all my post. i swear I'll figure out how to take that off...eventually! :)
This weekend went by waaay too fast!
Although I am off on Mondays and Dane happened to be off today too, so technically it's still our weekend!
Friday night we had a relaxing family night out. We went to dinner at TGI Fridays (because I found a $5 off coupon online Friday at work). Before we finished dinner, Landon was getting a little antsy to go outside to Dad's truck (still the coolest guy on the block) so Dane told Landon if he sat like a big boy, he could drive the truck home. Landon was good for probably 20 minutes longer. We honestly didn't expect him to actually understand what we were saying. Boy were we wrong. We get out to the truck to leave, and Landon doesn't understand why he can't drive. Literally threw the biggest fit for 20 minutes. It was so sad. We definitely learned our lesson. No joking with Landon that he can drive us anymore!!!!!!
Saturday morning Dane was gone out the door to play in the Jeremy Chambers golf tournament before we even woke up. Landon and I cleaned the house up and packed our bags for the evening and headed to the Fairgrounds in Belleville for the kids consignment sale. Lets just say I had planned on getting there when it opened at 8, but the lack of motivation I have lately, we didn't leave the house until 10. Once we got there everything was picked over and the line was ridiculous and I refused to stand in line for a hour for 2 things that I had picked out that cost under $10. So off to Target we went. Then we met Dane after he was finished playing golf and headed to the in-laws. Making a almost 4 hour trip when your 38 weeks pregnant was a little scary. I had 12 contractions on the way there but nothing to to painful so we kept going!
Saturday evening we attended a surprise party for Dane's dad for his 60th birthday. He said all he wanted was to spend the weekend with Landon, but because his work schedule was so busy, there was no way he could make the trip to St Louis.
So we surprised him
along with 70 of his closest friends & family
It was a great party!! I learned a lot about my father in law that night thanks to a couple of his friends who put on a trivia game.. somethings I could have gone without knowing, but it was funny to see him so embarrassed!!!!
It was a great party! His wife Debbie & Dane's uncle Brian and aunt Kari did a great job planning it! And I got to see my long lost friend Holli. I swear her and I are so much alike its freaky! and Landon and her son Quinn instantly clicked and played their little butts off until they were both just exhausted!! They sure are two peas in a pod!!!!
Sunday we stopped by Nana B's house (Dane's mom) for Landon to visit and Landon had a blast. We hit golf balls, rode the golf carts around the course and had lunch. Nana is a amazing cook! Landon had an entire plate of her lasagna! We headed home that afternoon, and of course stopped at the outlet mall in Tuscola. Gosh, I just LOVE the Carter's store!!
I can't tell you how excited I was to be home and in my bed though Sunday night. We were all in bed and asleep by 8:30.
Today since we were both off work, I called my doctors office and had my appointment moved to today so Dane wouldn't have to leave work a few hours early tomorrow and as soon as we get there doctor Snowden tells me he has to hurry me out because he has to head upstairs to deliver a baby. Seriously, just gives me chills. I would love his job. lol
But we got good news that I progressed more. I am now at 3cm and 50% effaced. moving right along.. could be ANY day now. Layla is definitely head down according to doc, so she's locked in and ready to go! Now we just sit and wait! The woman who schedules inductions called me today to confirm my appointment. Thursday the 22nd they will be calling me. I am the 2nd on the list to be called in, and they start calling at 5am.. so could be pretty early! eeekkk! but lets hope before then! I'm still shooting for the 15th!!!!!!!! :)
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!!!!
Yay for no baby while you were gone...but she can come anyday now!
Did you treat yourself to a visit to the coach store? I can't believe you have made so much progress already! I'll keep my fingers crossed for the 15th!
Sounds like Landon has a pretty amazing Papa :)
Layla, come on sweetness!!! I cannot wait to see you.
I loved seeing my long-lost friend too :) Its too bad we live so far apart!! Glad all went well and you waited until you got home to have Layla....although I def could have found you an awesome woman that gives awesome drugs on her first try!!!! Maybe next time...LOL
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