Happy Monday Ya'll!
Mondays are one of my favorite days of the week now. I'm off work and 3 out of 4 Mondays the hubby is at work too. A day of nothing but me and my babies!
But I'll give you a weekend wrap up before we go on to Monday!
Friday night we made plans with my sisser and her family to take the kiddos to Santa's Magical Kingdom. Never been? I highly suggest it! I attached the link to it in case you decide to go sometime during the week (Monday-Thursday) there is a $2 off coupon!
We go to the Shrine every year but SMK will definitely be a tradition. The shrine is pretty, but this is aimed to get the attention of kids. All character themes, dinosaurs, trains, you name it. they got it!

Seeing the lights for the first time!!!

pretty sure this was 2.5 seconds before Layla decided to blow out her diaper.. thanks again Lay! ;)

Loving be able to drive the truck!!!
Saturday I got up early to watch Stella & Henry. Their mommy bribed me with Country Kitchen...little did she know, I would have done it for free ;) Henry is just 2 weeks older than Layla, well and Lay was 2 weeks early.. but the size difference in them is crazy! Henry is definitely all boy! Definitely going to be a football player
Landon and Stella actually played good together, there was no crying over toys and they shared. I know, hard to believe. lol
That night I picked up a shift at work. Shelbi came over and watched the kiddos for us Saturday night and I met up with Dane, my sister & her husband when I got off work at 9
.. My cousin Dustin and his girlfriend Sheena decided to come out too. They live in Florissant so they didn't want to drive too far. So we met up with them in Cahokia where I witnessed the BIGGEST bar fight I have ever sene in my life. I know what your thinking, Cahokia? A fight? not shocking. But let me tell you... There are many bars in Cahokia and Dupo that you can go to if you want to see a fight. This bar we were at... is a family owned bar. Everyone is friends. There
were probably 40+ people in the bar. EVERY.SINGLE.PERSON in the bar was fighting except for our table of 6. It was the CRAZIEST thing I have ever seen in my entire life! It was friends/family fighting each other. I still have no idea what started it, but the cops were called, ambulance was called and we got the hell out of there! Back to the bar we probably would see another fight at. lol but nope. we had a great time!!
Since I got my new camera, I hardly EVER carry my digital camera anymore so I never get pictures when we go out. My brother in law tried taking a picture of me and Dane for me........ this is what I got:
Thanks honey for the great picture.............
Sunday we laid around pretty much all day again. And then I seen that Sarah B went to Olive Garden... and that was all I could think about all day. So I made Dane get up and take me. DELISH! Pretty sure I could have ate that entire bowl of salad by myself!!!
Our house is ready on the inside for Christmas. I finally got Lay a stocking and got them hung on the new fireplace.

ahhhhhh... so cozy!
don't mind all the cords... we're working on fixing that.

And since Landon has his own Christmas tree, I had to get Lay one too!
Now if I can only get Dane outside to hang our Christmas lights!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Stay warm this yucky Monday!!!
Love the fireplace, so cute! Maybe we need to take a trip to SMK!
yay!! thanks again for watching my babies!!
Yes Ashley! Highly suggest it! :)
Anytime Cass!
I got to spend time with your babies...can I PAAALEASE spend time with you now! :)
Love the picture of Landon and Stella. SO sweet!! :)
haha, cute post! The pic of you and your hubs made me chuckle :) Love the mantel with the stockings, I am definitely in Christmas mode too!
I haven't been to SMK in years!! Don't know if we have time to make it this year, but we're definitely going to the Shrine. Glad you had a great time. :) Love your new fireplace! I so miss having a real place to hang our stockings....
Oh The Bar Fight!!!! Craziest junk Ive ever seen in my life!!!!!!
Still Thinking about fighting you though! I mean why not? everyone else was involved, I think your table needed to be too!
haha Kati, I know right!
Girls night soon! no fighting though! lol
... still laughing about Layla blowing out her diaper at the most opportune time... always, right??!!?? The look on her face is priceless!! You can tell she is soo concentrating on it, hahaha.
Landon is adorable!! When did he get so darn big? It really looks like he enjoyed himself.
LOVE your fireplace!! Just in time to snuggle up with your babies on these cold winter days :)
P.S. Needing a girls night bbbbaaaaaddddd!!!!!
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