Well I have absolutely had enough!!
Today as I was getting ready to take Landon to the doctor, I get out of the shower and glance over at myself in the mirror. I just can't believe that was me. Seriously, How did I let myself go so bad. Yes, I just had a baby. No that baby wasn't carried in my thighs, arms, back and wtf!
when did my double chin get so big.

Today is the last day I am going to feel this way. I have got to make a life style change. I need to work out, I need to eat healthy, I need to be more active with my kids.
No more excuses. I am only cheating myself!

Being on weight watchers helped me SOOO much after having Landon. But they have the class on Thursday in Waterloo and I work Thursdays now, so that isn't possibly for me.
I think the #1 thing that motivated me so much about WW was someone else was going to see my weight, So I was determined to see the scale drop, and for them to notice I had been losing. That is a great feeling!
So I figured I would make my blog my motivation.
I might have to have a drink or 4 before my first post. SCARY!
I honestly couldn't care less what the scale says, I just want to be comfortable in my own body again. And I haven't felt that way in almost 3 years!!

So wish me luck on this lifestyle change. Landon sure is going to be upset with NO McDonald's for a loooooong time!!!

So here is goes nothing. I'm going to set goals and stick with them this time!
Wish me luck!!
ps. thanks pinterest for all the motivational pictures! ;)
Good luck!! I know exactly how you feel & to be honest that's one of the reasons I'm not ready for Carson to get here because once he does I know that there are big changes that need to happen!
I started ww yesterday. Day 2, so far so good! We can :)be each others support system!! :)
Sarah- Where do you go to the meetings at? or are you doing Online?
Good luck! Definitely support system!!!!
Meagan- I felt the same way. I was so comfortable with my belly. Because I felt it was my "excuse".
Even with only gaining 20 pounds this pregnancy, I still let myself go!
not a good feeling at all!!!
I have been feeling the same way! Some girls and I from work are gonna start weighing in front of each other in hope that it will motivate us. I am absolutly grossed out by my body. Maybe I will use this as motivation also. We should get each others #'s and when we are about to eat something bad or don't want to workout we can text someone and they can send back something like. "Ok fat ass go ahead you don't have to swim with your kids this summer." That would help me. What about you guys? Sorry about the book :)
I know! I think if other people see what I weigh, They will know if I'm slacking off. lol I'm hoping this will work and not just show the world how fat and lazy I am! LOL
I am totally down, I could use a swiff kick in the butt somedays! my # is 618-304-2132!
I'm going to start writing everything I eat down like I did in WW. Maybe seeing all I pig out on all day will help too! lol
Good Luck & Hope you lose some lbs with me!
I am doing it online. No way I could make the meetings every week with the rugrats. Make your weigh in on Fridays..that way we will be on the same page & will have all week to work off what we eat at bunco lol.
that sounds great to me!!! Weigh yourself first thing Friday morning!
I never tried the online WW. I might have to look into it!!
I'm ready to make a change too! I keep gaining and losing the same 10pounds, and it's driving me nuts! Good luck! I've never tried WW...maybe I will look into it!
Heck yes! With no food in my belly & after I pee of course lol.
It's cheaper too! I signed up for a bundle that is 3 months, so I better stick to it!!
How much did you lose when you did ww the first time?
Good for you, Kim! Surround yourself with people who have similar goals and lifestyles. It's so much easier to accept an invitation for a walk, then an invitation for ice cream when you have a close friend/family member at your side. I have about 8-10lbs that I continue to struggle with. Take it day by day, you can't be perfect everyday. Let me know if you ever want a workout buddy!! =)
Good luck!!!
I first joined WW when Landon was 8 weeks. I had gained 60 pounds during pregnancy and lost almost 20 the first 6 weeks. My first week doing WW I lost 8pounds. that was my highest week, but in 7 weeks I had lost almost 30 pounds.
I never once worked out. I coached basketball so I was a little active, but I wasn't out running up and down the court. and I walked about 3 miles probably 5 days a week. No running at all.. i HATE to run!!! I don't even think I'd run if someone was chasing me! LOL
Great idea Ashley! =) Just this week I've been started to count my calories again on my fitness pal. It's online, free and they have apps on your phone where you can just scan the item your about to eat. They have friends on MFP too. I'll be your workout buddy!! I have plenty of dvd's that are collecting dust...we could get together like 2x a week 1x columbia 1x waterloo =)
Yay! I love that idea Sarah!
But I work Weds & Thurs evenings.. SO I would have to workout either Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, or Tues!
I heard alot about myfitnesspal. I wish I had a phone that downloads apps!!
Guess I need to charge my ipod touch and put it to use!
well Monday nites suck....because its Monday! :p
We could do Tues and Sat (afternoon or morning whichever works) or if Dane is ever working on Sat or Sun we could do that 3 mile trail with the kids by the old HS in Waterloo....it's great!
I never knew there was a trail there! Awesome, that's only like a mile form my house!
That works for me!!!
Now if only everyone in my house would get better so I can actually sleep and do something! lol
awe, well just let me know!
I have used livestrong.com before. YOu put in how much you weigh and what you want to lose and how much you workout and it calculates how many calories you should eat. Its pretty handy. As far as working out I can't really commit to a specific sch. I have been walking on my lunch hour at work and doing a list of excercises I found on pinterest.
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