I get on blogger probably 10 times a day to stalk every ones blog.. And I never have enough time to write a post, and if I do have the time I can't think of anything to write about.
Yes, I can sit and talk about the funny and ridiculous things Landon does and says everyday, and how big Layla is getting.. but I don't want to bore everyone.
So on to my weekend.
Friday night Dane had to work overtime. and with me working at 7am after watching the midnight movie of Breaking Dawn, I was EXHAUSTED. I made sure Landon didn't take a afternoon nap so he would be ready for bed early. Well he must have been just as tired as I was because he was asleep at 6:15 and Layla was asleep by 7! I'm pretty sure I was asleep 2 minutes after her!
Saturday the kids and I headed to the mall to look for momma something to wear for her hot date that night. Landon was absolutely HORRIBLE in the mall. I was about 2.5 seconds away from sitting on the floor in JcPennys and just crying. I was
so embarrassed! After trying on about 5 dresses I decided on one (thanks to the help of Kendra!) After the mall we headed over to Old Navy for their outerwear sale. Here is what I got:

2 coats for me & 1 coat for Dane. my total: $32! Very excited!!!!
Saturday night I had a hot date with my bff, Cassie! We went to the Morton's Steakhouse in Clayton for her work Christmas Party. It's official, my bff has taken me to a nicer restaurant than my husband ever has!!!! Valet parking and all!
Who said moms can't be hot?!?!?! ;)
I had a great time! She works for an amazing company and has one of the nicest bosses I've ever met!!!!
Sunday Dane & I headed back to the mall (brave after yesterdays experience) to get the kids Christmas outfits. We walked by Santa a few times and Landon was TERRIFIED the first few times, but after walking by and talking about him he seemed to have warmed up a little bit and said he would get his picture taken with him if Layla did too. We'll see how that goes. Hopefully a little better than his picture with the Easter Bunny...

lol poor kid!
After nearly 3 hours of searching for the kiddos Christmas outfits, we finally decided on them! Yess!! Then we headed back to Old Navy for their sweater sale. We got 7 sweaters for less than $50. I thought it was a good deal!! (Should have took Sarah up on her coupon she offered me. shucks!!!)
Today I went to Wal Mart and did all the shopping for our Thanksgiving dinner and I got a new scale! Very excited because I think the scale I've been using has been lying to me. On my good week I gain, and my bad week I lose. Definitely throwing that POS in the trash!! Probably not the best week to get on the scale and start my diet seriously, but if I put it off til next week, it's only another week until my goal!
My sisters & I planned a sisters weekend in February to go to see Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan..We got tickets the morning they went on sale. Our tickets were OK. But we figured this will probably be a once in a lifetime trip (I have a feeling were going to get wild and our hubby's aren't going to let us go again! haha!)
So we found some really good tickets online. And although we are paying a arm and a leg for them.. we are FRONT ROW CENTER. Seriously, I'm going to be drooling the ENTIRE concert. I heart Luke Bryan!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Hope everyone had a great weekend! I'll try and start blogging regularly again! :)
LOVE the plaid coat. So cute! I wish I would have known about this sale!
I have that coat in black, and I love it! I always admired the ones you picked out, too...and if I would have known about the sale in time I so would have gone to get more!
aawwwwwwee love you! thanks!
and yeah super jealous of your yellow coat! supa jelly!!
You are going to have to stop talking about your Jason Aldean tickets, or I'm going to starve myself until I am small enough to fit in your purse and go along. And then everyone is going to get to watch while I rape him on stage.
SUPER.CUTE.COATS!!!I love the plaid. I wish I could buy them off the rack but I always have to order them in tall. Being 6ft tall has some disadvantages :(
And you and Cassie.... SMOKIN HOT MAMMAS TOTALLY :))
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