How Far Along: 33 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: +13 lbs
Maternity Clothes: still a must. Very ready for normal clothes again!!!!
Gender: GIRL :)
Another great moment this week- My awesome friend Shannon gave me this brand new breast pump. I am extremely happy & excited to use it!
I sure do have some AMAZING friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you Shan :)
Sleep: about 7-8 hours a night. Just wish I didn't wake up every time I had to roll over.
What I miss: having energy, being able to bend over, wrestling with Landon without fear of getting hurt. lol
Cravings: ICE! I'm obsessed with chewing on ice lately.!
Symptoms: Other than getting kicked every 2 minutes, still feeling pretty normal!
What I miss: having energy, being able to bend over, wrestling with Landon without fear of getting hurt. lol
Cravings: ICE! I'm obsessed with chewing on ice lately.!
Symptoms: Other than getting kicked every 2 minutes, still feeling pretty normal!
Best Moment this week: watching my baby hold a baby for the first time.. granted it was a fake baby, but it was still special. He doesn't look very interested in the picture- because he was very distracted by the other kids holding their babies. lol

49 days to go!!!!
Oh my gosh, I craved ice like crazy when I was pregnant with Grace. Evie and I would sit around all day crunching on ice cubes. Looking great!
Awww...such a cute baby belly
You are so absolutely adorable!!!
I can eat the heck out of some ice too. So much, I think the frig is permanently set on crushed ice :-) lol.
You are very welcome! Love you too, xo
thanks girls!! The entire pregnancy has seemed to fly by.. and I definitely feel like the larger I get, the slower it's going! And I'm anxious of course! :)
Almost there!!
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