Let's just start off by saying I had a great birthday! Turning 24 hasn't felt any different at all. haha! I had a great time at bunco on Friday and met a group of great girls!
My awesome hubby & Landon sent me flowers to work and I got a lot of gift cards from family & friends to help me buy clothes once the baby weight comes off! I'm secretly so excited all the GC's are to places they don't sell baby clothes at..Don't get me wrong, I love buying new things for my kiddo's, but Momma deserve
s new things too, right :)
and My BFF surprised me with the BEST birthday present, EVER!!!!!!!
thanks again Cassie!! Oh, and PS. you've expired the excuse of "one of my co-workers was wondering...." blah blah. I've now caught on!!! LOL

A dozen cupcakes from DC/Georgetown Cupcakes! Ever watched that show on TLC?? If not, you're missing out!!!! These sisters are nuts and a whole lot of fun!!!! And I think I have every right to blame her for the 2 pounds I gained the past two weeks!
Putting my total weigh gain at 15 pounds so far this pregnancy! If I didn't feel 250lbs, I would jump up and cheer because I've managed my weight sooo much better this time around! *knock on wood*
On Saturday my hubby finally said good-bye to the mustang and finally got something that we all can ride in!

Landon just thinks his daddy is the coolest guy on the block now that he has a truck!!! And suddenly mommy's edge is soooo old news, and doesn't enjoy riding in it much anymore! Whatev ;)
Sunday my cousin Jason met us out at the Shrine to take maternity pictures for us. He just does it for fun outside of his full time job, and I think he is wasting his time working that job. He is an awesome photographer!!!!!!!!
I was extremely nervous about getting pictures taken. I feel absolutely huge, and he made me feel pretty! Ahhh, I love being able to say I feel pretty-- It has been A. LONG. TIME!!!
I'm sure most of you have seen them on Facebook, but here are a few of my favs :)

Landon did SO SO SO great. My mom came along with us to help with Landon since my experience with him at Portrait Innovations was a complete disaster, I knew I would need the help. But I can't even begin to tell you how good he did. There were some pictures he wasn't even suppose to be in--but he wanted up and sat next to me and looked at the camera and said "Cheese" I couldn't have been more proud :)
Even though he still says he doesn't want a sister. lol
It has been a pretty boring week for me. Landon and I have relaxed at home a majority of the time and I am back to work this evening!
34 weeks today, 42 days to go!
Hope everyone has a great rest of the week!!
Our BBQ is Saturday, Hope to see you there!
Those pix are great! You have a beautiful family.
thank you very much!!! <3
Love the new look! And those pictures are awesome! Your BabyQ invite is on our refrigerator. :) This is my birthday weekend so I'm not 100% sure what our schedule looks like, but I'm going to try to stop by on Saturday. :)
Love love love the new look!! The pictures are amazing! And I'm sorry but I don't think you can change the name of your blog to anything else. It's definitely The Luke Family blog.
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