I confess that if you ever need it to rain, let me know. I will plan a party for that day and WAAALAA! Enough rain to flood my backyard! Blah. But rain or shine, I'm so excited for tomorrow!!! :) I'm soo thankful my mom, sisters and bff have put so much time and effort into making it all happen!
I confess Landon came to visit my work today for the first time. He was in heaven!! The kid is obsessed with airplanes!!! I think I'm going to start planning his 3rd birthday party already. baha. OK, maybe not quite yet..I still have 10 months! ;)
I confess my best friend's due date is 1 week from today! As jealous as I am of her to already be done, I am so so so so soooooo excited to meet my nephew Henry aka my future son in law! hehe
I confess I am STILL looking for a home for our dog, Lola. 2 kids, 2 dogs, a cat, and a husband.. I just took on more than I can handle I think! So if you know anyone looking for a dog, please let
me know!!!!
I confess I joined Pinterest. (Cassie just said YAY under her breath! lol) and I confess I don't really understand it.. at all. But I came across a picture of the sexiest man I think I've ever seen in the entire life. Umm yeah, I think I love pinterest. haha jk? Oh. And I already have 3 followers. idk how, but SWEET!
anywoo, I found this.
and I want to hang this somewhere in my house. LOVIE!!
I confess the past few days I've really thought about packing mine & Layla's hospital bag. And I really have NO idea what to put in it. I can't remember. Google-- what would I do without you??? And I still have absolutely NO idea who is going to take care of Landon while we are in the hospital. My mom was my #1 resort--but my sister just booked a trip to Jamaica the day after my due date, and my mom is watching her 4 boys. I'm a little nervous...
I confess Old Navy's facebook page has a 30% off one item coupon today! Starts today & good until the 25th! Print as many as you want and hope you get a nice cashier that will do more than 1 separate transaction! :)
I confess I can't wait to get a new tattoo.. But I can't seem to make a decision on what I want. And I really have no idea where I even want it at. but I have a tattoo picked out for Dane that i want him to get. lol He has 0. I think if I get a little crown in him, he will get one with me! :)
I confess I have looked at this picture of Landon..

10,000 times since yesterday and I keep saying in my head.
WHEN DID MY BABY GET SOOO BIG!?!?!?!?!?!? Geesh!
Happy Friday to all! I'm getting a mom-to-be massage before the bbq tomorrow... spoiling myself just a tad! but I got the gift card for mother's day, and I don't want to end up like Sarah K and have this kid before I get it! lol
Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!!!!
ahhhh - stop growing landon baby!! you are getting to be such a big boy. just think next year at this time he could be starting preschool!!!!
i confess that i am eating zia's lasagna today and HOPING that induces labor!! lol.
Ummm...hello!? Looking for a friend for Penny!
Oh, and I confess that I ate an entire shake and pour container worth of pancakes last night. Which would be about 6 of them.
Not funny Kimberly :P
I LOVE that saying. Precious!!
she's a pit bull. just hearing that scares some people. but she is great with our other dog, cat and kids. she's 4, so shes out of the chewing on things and hyper spaz dog stage.
she weighs about 50 pounds, she likes to snuggle, play fetch, go on long walks. lol
she hates laying on her back and thunder.
sounds like i'm trying to get a date for my dog. lol
I confess I'm laughing at you "pimping" your dog out... lol (jk) I hope you find the right home for her :-) I wish we could help but with 2 boys, 2 cats, 2 puppies & a husband... I'm full up!!
I confess that I'm super excited to have pre-baby pics taken this Sunday. I hope they turn out good.
I confess that Landon is growing like a weed! WOW!! He is such a handsome little man :-)
I confess that Victoria is ready to come into this world. We had a little talk and I told her to please wait until her daddy gets home!! Fingers are crossed that she listens!
See you Saturday, xoxoxo
I dont understand Pinterest either. I dont know evem know where to start with it. But I LOVE that saying!! Very cute!
Hope you enjoy your massage tomorrow!
I confess that I had cold pizza for breakfast yesterday.
I confess that I'm freaked out I will have my baby on the 13th of the month. I just don't want her to ever have a birthday on Friday the 13th. Weird, I know.
I confess that I'm a bit jealous of your mom to be massage. I've been thinking about one for awhile and may do it next month when I'm on vacation.
Ooh, thanks for the coupon!
I confess that Gracie was screaming bloody murder in the middle of the night, and I pretended to be asleep so that Eric would get up with her. :) I was TIRED. Of course, I was the one who had to take care of her in the end, but at least I didn't have to get out of bed to do it, haha.
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