My husband is finally home from working 40+hours of overtime the past 5 days, and guess where I am..... Work!
BIG bummer. But I am so glad Daddy & Landon are getting their alone time in because man oh man, that little boy missed his Daddy SOOOOOOO much!! I think he asked me 3459837459237045 times the past 5 days where he was. And Last night he started saying "Oh, sowwwwwwyy baby" after every time I told him that he was working again. I guess I said "sorry baby, he's working" too many times & he picked up on it. broke my heart!! But he's finally home! HOORAY!
My awesome sister just ordered me a car seat cover so I don't have to bring Layla home in a blue car seat... and check it out.. (only change is the border of the canopy will be red)

Seriously, I'm IN LOVE with it!!!!!!!!
55 days and I get to use this bad boy!! :D
There has been no progress on Layla's room this week with the hubby working-- so still no pictures yet. We are having a BaByQ at our house on August 20th to help us get ready for Layla, and I might have to nail the door shut so no one sneaks in.. I know I'm silly, But I don't want anyone to see it until it's finished!! All is welcome to come! :)
My cousin Jason is planning on taking maternity pictures for us! I didn't have them done with Landon, and I am extremely nervous to get them done, but he is an awesome photographer so I know I shouldn't have anything to worry about. If only he could make my face not-so fat.. that would be great! lol
Hope I still have a few followers left.. I promise I will get in the swing of this working/mommy thing again and get back to blogging.
I work in the morning so I promise there will be a confession Friday this week! :D
Later Gator!
I love that car seat cover!! Super cute! I'm really glad Dane is home with you guys...I can't even stand it when Eric is away for more than one night!
Love the carseat cute!!!
thanks ladies!! And the best part about it.. it fits onto a toddler seat too. So we will get years of use out of it!! :)
I love maternity pictures. I think they are adorable.
cute car seat cover. I didn't know they made those. Very handy!!
I love maternity pictures. A girl I went to high school with just did them. They turned out really cute!!
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