Are y'all ready for this??
(see what I did there? brought a little Nashville home with me!)
I wish each picture could tell you exactly how much fun we had. Seriously, Friday night was hands down one of the BEST nights I have had in a long time!
Friday Cass & I headed out.
XM radio and girl talk the entire way! The ride flew by!
And we were in Tennessee before we knew it!
Home of the Tennessee Titans and the Batman building. Aka At&t. but it looked pretty damn neat!
We arrived at the hotel, got ready Nikki & Amanda showed up!
Let me tell you, I was SOOO EXCITED to meet her, but even more excited to see she wasn't some fat bald guy I had been talking to over the Internet for the past 6 months.
Too much catfish lately!
We stocked our mini fridge, got a shit ton of nasty food from the hotel, that we didn't eat, then headed out for the night!
Take 1
Take 2
Downtown Nashville
This was early into the night...and I'm pretty sure my vision was as clear as these pictures.
this might be the coolest bar in Nashville....and probably the 1 and only bar we didn't drink at.
But of course I had to go in and buy a shirt! ;)
more shopping
recap of the night!
Nikki, My Southern Belle! XO
so much fun!!!!
and our night ended early. well 1am-ish. a hell of a lot earlier than I expected.
Our cab ride back to the hotel consisted of the windows down...and this.
then as soon as we arrived at the some of us fell out of the cab.
still throwing the peace sign.
love ya girl. just glad I'm not the only one who ended up on the ground!
Thankful we have no pictures of that!
Disappointed we didn't run into LB. But this was close enough!
nothing like being embarrassed at lunch by a 10 ft pirate
Night 2
Amanda <3 font="font">
shotski with straight vodka.
Sunday we headed back.
Poor Cass was sick the entire way back. then we got stuck in pouring down rain, sleet AND snow. blah
Dane and the kids picked me up at Cassie's house as soon as we got back. I couldn't help but cry!
I don't know how I would have survived the weekend without face time.
Overall, It was a AWESOME weekend!!!!
I gained 2 amazing new friends!!!!
Loving life!
Loving life!
Landon is under the weather with the flu. BOO! Prayers appreciated! Poor little man is miserable!!
Back to work today.
I definitely could have used another day of rest.
but I already purchased a dress I seen a girl in on Saturday.
Seriously, LOVE.
It has Cancun written ALL OVER IT!
It has Cancun written ALL OVER IT!
100 days!!!
Have a great week!!!

ahhhhh - love that you bought that dress. seriously stealing it! lol.
Thank god no Catfish story - but damn that would have been a good story!! :)
So glad you ladies had a fab time! Loved all the pics especially Nikki on the ground. I showed hubs my text she sent me and he died laughing!
So glad you guys all had a good time :) Nashville is seriously WAY too much fun, and obviously when you're in good company that's just the icing on the cake!
And that dress?! OMG- amazing
I'm glad that you had a good time and made it home in one piece! Hehe.
Love you girls! We had soooo much fun! Gotta love that pic of me on the ground falling out the cab. What can I say?? I like to party! HAHA Hope you guys manage that nasty stomach bug and get it out of your house! Hugs Love ya XOXO Ready for Round 2!
Looks like a super fun time! Cute pics!! Poor Cassie :( She's a trooper!
Lots of hugs for Landon. Nothing worse than a sick little one :( I hope he feels better soon. We're finally on the mend at our house. It's been a rough 1 1/2 weeks!
This is completely random but I had to tell you how in love with your blog name I am. Wine on the rocks is right down my alley ;)
oh em gee the pictures. "sorry we didnt call u last night..this happened" with the pic of Nikki made my day on Saturday! glad you girls had fun!
btw, who the heck is that sexy tall glass of water with nikki?! please tell me she got a lil drunken kissy from him?!
You summed up our weekend so well I showed this to Zack so he could understand the pure awesomeness of it. Love you!
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